The OpenSource Organisation

By markspall

  I’d value feedback on this idea.

Holacracy in particular documents the structure of the organisation in some detail and capture changes to that structure as they happen in Governance meetings. It’s a living document of the operating structure and processes of that organisation.

I’m sure that this is good practice for Teal organisations, although I’m not sure, as yet, that there are any standard practices around.

I was thinking, wouldn’t it be valuable if an organisations documentation was OpenSource and free for anyone to use. AND …. What if an entire organisation could be forked? And a new variant taken in another direction.

Is this an example of evolution? As in diversification of the species.

As an individual, you could choose to join an existing organisation or launch your own by forking an organisation that has a good starting point for you. Taking with you all the experiences that have gone before.

It made me wonder if one could represent their organisation on a platform like GitHub. The information on GitHub being the source code for the organisation and an execution engine that used that source code to present an application much like Glassfrog. Just as you’d have PHP code on GitHub which is run through your PHP engine to present an application.

That way OpenSource organisations could become community driven, much like OpenSource software. An entity in their own right. Energised by a community that share a purpose.

I’d love to explore this idea more.

(10 replies as of Sept 15th)

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